Yoga for Addiction and Depression : Nasha Mukti Kendra Yamunanagar

Yoga and meditation are powerful tools that help in the addiction recovery. Yoga is undoubtedly a combination of exercise and mindfulness. The attainment of sobriety can be improved with moderate to high intensity of physical exercise which includes the practices of mind and body. It also helps by reducing the anxiety and depression which are the prime symptoms that lead to a relapse of drug addiction.
The power of yoga helps a person in recovering from the dependence on alcohol and yoga. Furthermore, it is also helpful for all those people who are willing to stop smoking cigarettes. This actually makes sense because it in involves taking deep centered breathes instead of taking a cigarette drag.
Certain programs under Yoga such as the mindfulness programs makes the person undergo regular meditation which proves to be more effective in comparison to the 12-step programs. Also, this reduces the risk of relapse. This therapy is equally effective as the group psychotherapy which is done for a period of 6 months and involves the less use of the drug. Yoga for Addiction and Depression targets the primary symptoms of drug abuse that involves impulsivity, cravings, increased reactions to stress and negative mood.
Yoga for Addiction and Depression is the perfect road to Recovery : 9813406565

Lowers stress and anxiety
Yoga has done wonders when it comes to reducing the stress and anxiety that are often the primary triggers of drug abuse. It helps in creating the ability to introspect and become aware of the difficult and stressful situations. With mindfulness, there are higher chances of taking a proper note to your emotions and make space for them, thereby, decreasing the pressure which is being put on unnecessarily.
Improve Mood
Relapse can occur due to negative moods and resulting desire. These can be avoided with Yoga for Addiction and Depression as it plays a significant role in relapse. Various yoga exercise such as breathing exercises has showcased improvement in mood in people who are going through the addiction recovery.
Yoga and meditation are the two significant practices which help an individual in knowing themselves allowing them to accept who they are in reality with no undue self-criticism. These practices are responsible for improving one’s ability to stay generous and compassionate towards themselves and allow them to live in the present moment.
Decreased Cravings
The strong predictors of relapse are cravings. With time, it has been found that the training via mindfulness helps in reducing these predictors even when people feel negative or experience difficult feelings.
Enhanced Awareness and Attention
Once an individual gets involved in the mindful attention, the recovery to understand the patterns of behavior gets enhanced. Practices such as Yoga, meditation help the individual to focus on self-reflection. The training done during mindfulness and yoga emphasize on the awareness with no demand for reaction. Furthermore, it can also be said that the individual starts addressing the uncomfortable feelings without any demand to escape or react towards them.